Option Vault Factory

OptionsVaultFactory is the central contract for deploying and managing option collateral vaults.

Vaults are responsible for maintaining collateral to underwrite options, pricing these options and taking care of the relevant payouts. They are the central contracts within the Optix ecosystem and are completely independent from each other.

OptionsVaultFactory’s most important function is the createVault function which allows anyone to deploy a new options vault. Each vault must have a configured collateral token which is the underlying asset of the options of that vault. The vault will then pay out option payoffs using these tokens. The admin of the vault factory has various capabilities that might affect deployed vaults.

Guarded Launch Parameters

The objective is to make Optix a trustless decentralized option exchange but there are risks and concerns that need to be mitigated before we get there. The following functions have been restricted initially but can be made fully open and immutable when we are ready.

Create Vaults

Initially the ability to create vaults is initially restricted to a whitelist controlled by the protocol governance. This can be made unrestricted, open and immutable once any risks have been considered to be mitigated.


Which oracles vaults can link to their vault is initially restricted to a whitelist controlled by the protocol governance. This can be made unrestricted, open and immutable once any risks have been considered to be mitigated.

Collateral Tokens

Which ERC20 tokens can be used for collateral with an vault is initially restricted to a whitelist controlled by the protocol governance. This can be made unrestricted, open and immutable once any risks have been considered to be mitigated.

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